I was challenged to write a blog for Melissa Taylor's On-Line Bible Study over the book Greater, by Steven Furtick. Melissa's website is found at MelissaTaylor.org. The topic of discussion I chose this week is... Lifted Up! Steven asks us to consider what has lifted us up to be great"er." This can be a person or even a scripture.
If you are reading this blog post, you will want to read an earlier post at my blog spot called "Points of Grace." You will also want to follow the link to House On Oak Street later. I can honestly say my journey to this Bible study and book, Greater, has been a series of divine interventions leading me to consider where I am in my "Lesser Loser Life" and to reflect upon my viewpoint of my own FAITH in this moment.
A few months ago, I subscribed to a ladies Yahoo group at church. Upon signing up, I was asked why I wanted to join the group. Thinking it was an email group for prayer and other sharing, among my elaborate outpouring of who I am in a 250 word limitation, I used the words..."I am broken." Kaye, a ladies group leader and "one of a few" administrators of the Yahoo group replied to me personally stating that we are all broken. She found me that Sunday in church and introduced herself to me. It was after that that the Unglued bible study was offered at church where we studied and shared challenges and praises as discussed the principles and life lessons presented by author, Lysa TerKeurst. That led me to Proverbs31 Ministries, then to Melissa Taylor On-Line and finally the Greater study! All POINTS of GRACE along my journey.
2 Corinthians 10:5
We demolish arguments and every pretention that sets itself against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to HIM.
Steven discusses being the guy "who has had to tangle with insecurities so ugly that some days they make (him) feel like (he is) not even a Christian..." He goes on to discuss the systematic "sabotage of Gods plan for your life and God's purposes in the world." I can only say that GOD has brought me to this place, where I stand as who I am. Getting beyond the self-hate and realizing I'm OK to be used by HIM is a process of obedience, truth and a battle fought in the mind.
I am not sure how it will play out, as Kaye asks me so often "what does that look like?" I fumble across words that make sense, but honestly I do not have a CLUE what my purpose for Christ looks like. What the Holy Spirit IN ME feels like. How to be the LIGHT and JOY that others see. I am scared that if I can't picture it, I can't achieve it. AND that I'm not good enough FOR IT.
So this is my prayer... May HE continue to challenge me, to guide me, and may HE give strength to the Kaye's of the world who would love to be able to just pound into my head... Don't you just get it? It really is that simple!
Blessings amidst the storms bring on the sunshine. What a blessing it is that God LIFTED ME UP with KAYE. One day, I will pay it forward...I just have to be healthy enough spiritually in the LORD to make the difference for someone.